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Uma Visão Sobre Escolhas Alimentares & Atividade Física em Tempos de Fim do Mundo

Preferi esperar a poeira baixar, dar tempo de nos adaptarmos a nova realidade em relação a pandemia com a qual ainda estamos lidando, antes de trazer alguns pontos que podem servir de verdadeiras pérolas para todos nós, tanto onívoros (aqueles que comem de tudo), quanto vegetarianos (aqueles que restringem parcialmente ou completamente o consumo de produtos de origem animal). De fato, não imaginei que passaríamos por isso;  já demos adeus a mais de um milhão de vidas (e subindo...) ( WORLDOMETERS, 2020 ) por conta de um vírus que tende a ser ainda mais perigoso quando infecta portadores de doenças crônicas como diabetes e hipertensão, asma, assim como obesos e indivíduos acima de 60 anos ( CENTRO DE CONTROLE E PREVENÇÃO DE DOENÇAS, 2020 ). Nos escondemos atrás de máscaras e litros de álcool em gel, mas sem nós dar conta de que através do desenvolvimento de Fitness (Hábitos Saudáveis, Educação Física e Nutrição), poderíamos prevenir não só as chances de termos graves complicações ao li

3 Strategies for Eating Like a Unicorn & Not Gaining Body Fat

Maybe you don't know, but unicorns are graceful creatures that although rarely seen, eat a lot and still are capable to trot around enchanting defenseless human beings with their beauty and great Fitness level.

Still, no matter how magical they are, there are humans who eat a lot as well, devouring almost the size of two or three unicorns per meal and still make us wonder how they manage to keep so lean:

"It's about the genetics." Dr. Otto Octavius
"They must be juicing." Hulk
"Maybe there is something living inside their bellies." Alien

Jokes aside, we come even to question if the individual does not suffer from bulimia or some sort of anxiety disorder.

I write it all based on the fact that I am a real food destroyer and many times I was criticized and felt inhibited regarding to eating the way I love when close to acquaintances or colleagues that do not know me so well.

But then what? What is the secret? Nilogia Fitness went on a full adventure through the Magic Kingdom of Things We Cannot Believe Are Possible just to investigate what unicorns do in their natural habitat and what humans are doing to get ripped like them.

Finally the 3 Strategies For Eating Like a Unicorn & Not Gaining Body Fat:

1) Start Intermittent Fasting

Fasting is a natural practice for human beings, we do it when we sleep 7-8 hours and we descend from individuals who spent much more than three hours without eating. Despite the basic and effective idea that suggests we should eat every three hours to speed up our metabolism, control hunger and keep blood sugar levels stable throughout the day, there is evidence that eating fewer meals also has its advantages: Detox, Increased Longevity, Enhanced State of Alertness, Increased Protein Synthesis, Increased GH Production, Self-Control Development and Increased Use of Body Fat Storage for Energy Production.

Fasting allows the individual to eat more calories per meal, since it divides your caloric intake in fewer meals per day. As long as the individual constantly meets the recommended calorie intake for his body, a Tasmanian Devil could eat a whole roasted chicken and 2 lbs of broccoli in one seat. Having six meals of 350 kcal versus a single 2100 kcal meal in fact does not matter if we worry about weight gain; what really matters is how often you are eating more than you should for your body composition or exercising less than you need to burn the energy of the food you eat daily.


You should eat 2500 kcal / day
You are eating 3000 kcal / day
At the end of 15 days = 7500 kcal extra
7500 kcal = 1 kg of fat
1 kg of fat = Sh*t! I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I must be getting old...

Benefits of intermittent fasting may be noticed in different models:

a) 16-hour fast / 8-hour eating window
b) 12-hour fast / 12-hour eating window
c) 24-hour fast 1-2 x per week

Although there are groups that support much longer fasting protocols, I suggest you stick to the 24 hours model at most, thus avoiding possible loss of lean body mass (muscle), since there is evidence that fasting beyond 20-30 hours stimulates unnecessary muscle catabolism.

It is noteworthy that fasting is not a practice recommended for individuals with type 2 diabetes, hypoglycemia, stomach problems and low blood pressure. For those interested in doing some sort of intermittent fasting, read more about it, look for reviews and consult a doctor before restricting yourself from food for hours and hours.

2) Eat Nutrient-Dense Low-Caloric Food

Afternoon snack and you have two options...

Follow me to the kitchen and eat your individual portion consisting of 2 lbs of an oversized watermelon, 5 huge apples and two enormous tablespoons of peanut butter.

Or copy the menu suggested by your favorite skinny celebrity who just had a tiny whole-wheat sandwich filled with fat-free cream cheese and processed turkey breast, a medium-sized red berries lactose-free smoothie and a gluten-free-zero-carbohydrate protein bar.


I "Nilo, Are You Gonna Eat It All By Yourself?" had about 775 kcal.

You favorite "Focus and Dedication and Very Industrialized" celebrity on the other hand, had 1376 kcal for a meal with fewer nutrients, more calories and certainly much more expensive.

And as if these reasons were not enough to convince you to follow my snack suggestion, mind that few are those who would eat the amount of food that I can possibly eat. Most would probably decrease the total intake of 775 kcal to an average of 400 kcal since it is seems to be common feeling satiated with a smaller amount of apples and watermelon.

So here is the advice: Eat food that is low in calories and high in nutrients as fruits, vegetables, green leaves, vegetables, grains, beans, cereals, and avoid poor calories as those of processed foods.

This simple change will help you increase your fiber, vitamins and minerals intake, whilst feeling satiated with less calories due to the large volume of food.

Nuts, peanut butter, almond butter, seeds, lean meats, fish, coconut, olive, flax seed and chia extra virgin oils, as well as potatoes are also super foods, however, as they are very dense in calories, they also require moderation.

3) Increase The Intensity or Time Dedicated to Physical Activity

Although as a trainer I am not favorable to anyone spending most of the day the gym (unless it is related to your profession), adding extra hours of physical activity, as well as increasing the intensity of training sessions generate an increased demand for calories in order to provide proper body recovery and growth.

Michael Phelps, the swimmer, came to eat 12.000 kcal in one day (not sure now), but take into account the number of hours that he spends in the pool, as well as the fact that water exercising requires more calories than exercising on land.

Keep Strong. And Eat Your Food.

Note: A calorie (lowercase) is a unit of energy used to denote the amount of energy necessary to heat at 1 ° C the temperature of 1 g of water. When we use calories to refer to the energy value of the food, in fact we mean the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 liter of water from 14.5 ° C to 15.5 ° C. The correct in this case would be to use kcal (kilocalorie), but the constant use in nutrition made them modify the measure. So when we say that a person needs 2,500 calories per day, it actually means 2,500,000 calories (or 2500 kcal) per day. And please remember that calories are only an estimate and should not be taken as an exact science.

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Passei 1 Mês Comendo 1 Refeição Ao Dia

Janeiro de 2017, acabara de me mudar para uma nova casa. Segui curtindo meu novo emprego (trabalho também como modelo em uma empresa de ecommerce ) e super motivado a tentar algo novo, muito diferente do que simplesmente cortar alimentos refinados como vimos no artigo anterior . A ideia era contrariar uma das estratégias mais eficazes e básicas que você vai ouvir ao visitar um nutricionista: Coma de três em três horas. Os motivos para se comer assim são realmente eficazes e incluem: 1) Níveis de energia mais controlados devido à distribuição de açúcar constante e nutrição adequada durante todos os momentos do dia. 2) Menos fome repentina e desejo de comer besteiras monstruosamente; também devido ao açúcar controlado. 3) Maior chance de aproveitamento de tudo o que ingerimos e consequentemente melhor digestão. 4) Diminuição de catabolismo muscular (dano e possível perda de massa magra). 5) Você come menos, de maneira mais controlada e acelera seu metabolis

Apagar e Acender a Luz Não Queima a Lâmpada

- Nilo, dá para tirar o dedo do interruptor? Isso aqui não é boate não menino, vai acabar queimando essa luz. Faz tempo, mas daquelas verdade indiscutíveis de meus dias hiperativos, essa é uma daquelas que hoje posso rebater com toda certeza: Apagar e acender a luz não queima lâmpada alguma! Pelo menos não a do corpo humano. Pelo contrário, lhe ajuda a queimar gordura, acelera o metabolismo e faz o custo benefício de cada minuto de exercício subir ainda mais. Mas que lâmpada é essa a que me refiro? Apenas uma maneira figurada de entender nossa capacidade de gerar potência. Assim como uma lâmpada que consome mais energia de acordo com a intensidade de sua luz, o corpo humano também consome mais energia de acordo com a intensidade da atividade física que exercemos. E fato é que entre manter nossa lâmpada acesa com a luz bem suave por várias horas e deixá-la queimar com o máximo de incandescência possível ainda que por curtos períodos de tempo por repetidas vezes, é a segunda o

Uma Visão Sobre Escolhas Alimentares & Atividade Física em Tempos de Fim do Mundo

Preferi esperar a poeira baixar, dar tempo de nos adaptarmos a nova realidade em relação a pandemia com a qual ainda estamos lidando, antes de trazer alguns pontos que podem servir de verdadeiras pérolas para todos nós, tanto onívoros (aqueles que comem de tudo), quanto vegetarianos (aqueles que restringem parcialmente ou completamente o consumo de produtos de origem animal). De fato, não imaginei que passaríamos por isso;  já demos adeus a mais de um milhão de vidas (e subindo...) ( WORLDOMETERS, 2020 ) por conta de um vírus que tende a ser ainda mais perigoso quando infecta portadores de doenças crônicas como diabetes e hipertensão, asma, assim como obesos e indivíduos acima de 60 anos ( CENTRO DE CONTROLE E PREVENÇÃO DE DOENÇAS, 2020 ). Nos escondemos atrás de máscaras e litros de álcool em gel, mas sem nós dar conta de que através do desenvolvimento de Fitness (Hábitos Saudáveis, Educação Física e Nutrição), poderíamos prevenir não só as chances de termos graves complicações ao li